Curation-in-Action to Support Shared Remembering

Project is completed (PhD 2013-2018)

The Curation Arena facilitated Curation-in-Action, a shared curating experience between two people. The process allowed for photo sharing of shared adventures. Each user had a tangible interface which enables them to navigate the content individually. The user interfaces did not prescribe the curation behaviour such as, the speci c number of photos to be shared. To retain focus on the shared story and to promote reciprocal sharing in the Curation Arena, the content from both participants was juxtaposed on the shared screen to form a collage of what they wanted to show to each other.

To implement a reciprocal photo sharing experience, no distinction
or hierarchy was made between different users. The tablet interfaces were designed to be identical: it is only the social interaction which determines if the user’s current role is, for example, ‘narrator’ or ‘recipient’ of content. Curation-in-Action and what appeared on the shared screen were often determined by the conversation taking place in the curation arena throughout the process.

With special thanks to Jesús Muñoz Alcantara for his invaluable help in realising the Curation Arena.

Videos and images

Who are involved


  • Future Everyday group
    Department of Industrial Design
    Eindhoven University of Technology

    La Place building, Level 1, Room 94 (LG 1.94)
    Laplace 32 (postal address: De Rondom 70)
    5612 AP, Eindhoven
    The Netherlands

    +31 (0)40 247 52 28

  • Materialising Memories group
    Faculty of Engineering and IT
    University of Technology Sydney

    Building 11, Level 7, Room 217
    81-115 Broadway (postal address: PO Box 123)
    Broadway NSW 2007

    +61 (0)2 9514 8967

Data and other documents