Project is active (PhD 2013-2019)
Brief project description to follow.
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Who are involved
Dr Ine Mols
PhD student – TU/e & UTS (2013-2019)
Ine Mols studied Industrial Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology, where she obtained both her Bachelor and Master degree. Her research project “Dear Diary” sparked her interest in designing for behavior change and the subject of everyday remembering. During her graduation project she explored designing for complex situations in “Educational Interaction”. The project focussed on stimulating the use of visual summaries based on photos in secondary schools, with the aim to create more varied and interactive lessons. In August 2013, she continued her path at the TU/e by joining the Materialising Memories PhD-team. Supervised by Elise van den Hoven & Berry Eggen.
Future Everyday group
Department of Industrial Design
Eindhoven University of Technology
La Place building, Level 1, Room 94 (LG 1.94)
Laplace 32 (postal address: De Rondom 70)
5612 AP, Eindhoven
The Netherlands
+31 (0)40 247 52 28
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